Still Waters Recovery Homes
An Overview of Our Recovery Home’s Services
Still Waters is a serene and encouraging environment to START or CONTINUE your clean and sober life. More than just a typical "sober living", Still Waters Recovery Home encompasses the "whole picture" necessary for lasting sobriety.
No single rooms, no isolation. This is a group effort for we cannot get sober on our own. Our best attempts have proven this. What YOU cannot do, WE can. Our homes offer placement for both the newcomer and those with long-term sobriety.
Over time and with individual progress in recovery, Still Waters may employ some peer participants who appear to be ready to enter the workforce. This employment is only temporary and can help with self-esteem issues while offering a sense of contributing to society.
Still Waters Recovery Home Plan of Operation
Our primary purpose at Still Waters Recovery Homes is to stay sober and help other alcoholics and addicts recover from a hopeless state of body and mind. We will help alcoholics and drug addicts maintain a sense of dignity. Their addictions will be treated through the twelve steps of AA, CA, NA, or any related twelve-step recovery program that best fits their targeted problem.
During our screening process, we explore three areas of acceptance:
HONESTY – To thine own self be true. We ask pertinent questions relating to honesty. The most important form of honesty is honest with oneself. Dishonesty with others is not conducive to being honest with oneself.
WILLINGNESS – Are they willing to do whatever it takes to remain sober? How dedicated to getting clean and sober are they? Is their drive to get clean greater than any other ambition in their life at that time?
OPENMINDEDNESS – Are they honest and willing enough to keep an open mind for treatment? Can they throw out their basic knowledge, survival instincts, and experiences to absorb the twelve steps of recovery? Are they teachable? Do ego, pride, and self-centeredness get in the way of keeping an open mind for a life change?
Encourage Recovery
We encourage twelve-step recovery meetings outside of the facility. The twelve steps of recovery have proven long-term success and are the most incredible way to interact with others in a social environment. The foundation of aa and twelve-step recovery is one alcoholic addict talking to another.
Still Waters social model recovery home and the disease of addiction does not discriminate against any sect, denomination, politics, creed, race, or organization. The only requirement for Still Water is the genuine desire to stop drinking and using drugs.
Still Waters will maintain a clean and sober environment. Still Waters will offer guidance and direction as to its peers' best plan of treatment and recovery. A senior peer advocate will be placed on-site to help in their recovery plan.
Group and individual sessions will be scheduled weekly. Twelve-step meetings will occur daily.
When a participant is ready to work, he will be encouraged to exercise job search. Going back to school is always an option.
Job search is part of recovery. Most recovering alcoholics and addicts do not feel they contribute to society until they find work to fill their day. It is beneficial and will not happen until they are ready to make that transition.
Each peer will keep an individualized recovery plan.
Still waters recovery plan is structured over one year. Within that year, a transitional period will be implemented so all peers will be ready for discharge.
This transitional period includes:
A) Newcomer phase: introduction to twelve-step recovery
B) Working with a sponsor
C) Completion of all twelve steps
D) Individual and group peer participation
E) Transition into work phase of recovery
F) Peer advocacy (working with others)